This is going to be awesome. You’re invited to come to NYC Resistor’s Microcontroller Study Group. It’s a group for people who like to play with microcontrollers!
This time we’ll be making brain machines. Come with all your parts and if you need help we’ll have folks there to help you! We’ll also have short presentations on how to be a wiki ninja and how to work with illumilight and resin. We’ll also have a show and tell so if you’ve got something you’ve made, bring it on down!
If you want to stay up to date with the study group. Join the group! – Link
Here’s the info on the brain machine: Video and PDF
Don’t miss the action, the thrills, and the excitement!
What: NYC Resistor’s Microcontroller Study Group
When: October 10th 7pm
Where: Lemurplex – Link
Why: Because Microcontrollers are rad.