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Oct 112008

The other day while hacking at the Resistor space, I realized I was getting a crick in my neck sitting hunched over at my laptop. I needed some sort of laptop stand to get the screen up higher, and one that I could get my external keyboard under so my computer wasn’t too far away. I’d never seen exactly what I was looking for, so I figured I’d whip one up!

A little while later, with some help from Inkscape and our Lazzzor, I had this laptop stand. I’m putting it up on Etsy to see if anyone else is interested in having their own.

This recycled cardboard model goes for $8 and is sold 100% in support of the laser. Support your local hackers! Acrylic and wood models are coming soon. View the listing & more pictures

  9 Responses to “Lazzzor Cut Laptop Stand”

  1. This is soooooo awesome. I’m probably going to pick one up to replace my old plastic iCurve.

  2. That is a very cool laptop stand! Nice work Mr. Skiff!

  3. I like it!

    Tell me you are making these out of old Club Mate boxes.

  4. Ooh.

    I think the cardboard would bug me, but wood or acrylic would be awesome. Be sure to post to the blog when it’s available!

  5. Looks really awesome!
    I like the way you make cardboard look elegant.
    But the front edges look too flimsy; maybe you should make the a little bigger.

  6. I absolutely love it!

    I think it is a really elegant solution and I now I want access to a Lazzzor.

  7. This kind of rules!

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