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MP3 Gr3nade!

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Jan 202009

Splayed Gr3nade Player

One cold day in november members of NYC Resistor received a nondescript box… There were no markings on the box that could identify any specific member at NYC Resistor to which it had been sent. They opened it to find what appeared to be 4 hand gr3nades.

There was much fear and freak out. But cooler heads prevailed and a phone call was made. “Hey Matt, did you order metal objects of a dubious nature?” “Yes, yes I did.” There was a great deal of internal strife over this particular event as ordering munitions to the space is strictly forbidden. Upon review and discussion it was decided that while purchasing decommissioned training grenades was not in fact illegal in NYC (as far as we know), it was not something we would ever do again. That being said. I immediately set forth on a childhood dream project. I put an 1/8th inch jack into the pin hole for the gr3nade. It looked GOOD. Totally flush… very pretty. So I decided to run with it. I ran the cabling into the gr3nade… hacksawed it open. Inserted a Sansa 2 GB mp3 player. And then tried to SMD rework it. This ended poorly as the first sansa basically got burned by the rework station and died. The second I avoided using the rework station and instead recruited bre and his arms for a session of intense soldering onto very tiny solder points.

The results were this functional mp3 player embedded in an old hand gr3nade, with a pretty awesome interface that works. The mp3 is loaded with legal mp3s bought at the amazon mp3 store. The albums are Kompressor’s. Kompressor does not dance. Brush your teeth!

 Posted by at 12:15 am

  36 Responses to “MP3 Gr3nade!”

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  1. i think i am getting the fear.


  3. Because carrying around a fake grenade in your pocket makes for great conversation at airports.

  4. I’d most likely avoid using the subway while listening to this, especially union square, what with the police bag search check point and what have you.

  5. Hand Grenades are now my favorite enclosure…

  6. What’s next? Maybe embed an MP3 player in a Glock 22 and mount an ear piece just inside the end of the barrel? Squeeze the trigger to advance the track. 🙂 Do make sure that it’s loaded only with MP3s, though. Cheers!

  7. This is the worst idea ever.

  8. perfect for airports!

  9. Correction. This is the BEST idea ever.

    This is epic and I would totally walk around listening to one.

  10. Friendly suggestion from an Oldish F*rt: Drop this project, and its description, from the excellent NYCR website. It’s clever, but not wise. If one knows a victim of modern violence, or has observed its effects, this is stomach-turning. No big deal or heavy criticism. We all have cool ideas for hacks that turn out in retrospect to not be so good, or funny as we thought. Hack on in peace!

  11. what did you use for the hinge shown in the first pic?

  12. Well it is a stupid idea considering that you are IN THE MOST PARANOIC COUNTRY IN THE WORLD! and even a pack of gum can be confused with C4… so you better use it inside your home if you don´t wanna be in the news.

  13. Yeah with the wires and buttons what you have made looks like an IED and in a day & age when cops shoot first ask later you might not feel so clever.

  14. this is the best idea ever SRSLY… The bad idea part of this incurs when one tries to listen to it in highly surveyed place, or any other areas of heightened paranoia.

  15. Rather sad. This item could get you disconnected v.rapidly, & the poor guy who slots you then has to live with the guilt. Why not address safer items for such brillance?

  16. grigori I think you’ve answered your own question.

  17. i like this. keep pushing buttons.

  18. Dude, that’s a neat, funny, idea – Well done.

    Now go and destroy it before you get shot. Seriously, what sort of mug are you? No armed man wouldn’t shoot you as soon as spit if they saw you walking towards them with that clipped on your belt. And since the only use for it is walking around playing music in public with headphones in your ears, you ain’t gonna hear the warnings to stop moving and lie down.

  19. OK, thats cool. To all the whiny people, please, get over yourselves. He’s not going to get shot wearing it, he just did this to see if he could.

  20. Actually it occurred to me that if someone was actively deployed in the military they probably could get away with wearing it.

  21. Most Awesome. I am headed to the Army Surplus store. I am going to make about 5 of these. I know some service guys that would LOVE to get this as a gift!!!

    Thanks for the hack!

  22. I want to purchase one and show it to my recriuter. ^_^

  23. Now to make the triggering mechanism work as a track changer by squeezing it.

    • Oh please, cut that cr/p off.
      This project *is* seriously awesome.
      If you've come to the point of fearing your own state so much that you see potential death in a cool mp3 player, maybe you need to revise your concept of liberty.
      Keep rocking.

  24. This is pretty wicked! I just got one from the army surplus.
    I, however, will paint it to look less like a real grenade and more like a toy (I don't wanna get looks from all the scardies out there).

  25. I would like to have one of these.
    I'd scare my friends while listening to “It's the End of the World”

  26. That is Awesome!!! I want to build one 🙂

  27. i like this Mp3 but it's not available in Pakistan did you tell me what can i do for Mp3 ?
    if this is real plz tell me the price and detail …

  28. i like this Mp3 but it's not available in Pakistan did you tell me what can i do for Mp3 ?
    if this is real plz tell me the price and detail …

  29. wear did u get the grenade

  30. Awesome idea. Ideal for listening to your favorite music on those long transatlantic flights.

  31. Now if there was a self powered speaker that looked like a Claymore mine…to hear The Clash from a face plate that reads “Face Towards Enemy”…Art & Function.

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