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Feb 262010

Move day is upon us, and we could certainly use all the help we can get! If you’ve got a few hours, please join us anytime during the move (10-6).

We’ll be meeting at 10am at 397 Bridge St, but if you can’t join us then, we’re sure to need helpers in the afternoon as the initial crew gets tired.

For info, addresses, and a general plan, here’s our wiki page:

Feb 252010

No normal craft night tonight! Instead anyone that feels so inclined can come by to New Resistor and help us paint the floor and the walls. Also maybe do some carpentry. It would be much appreciated, and this is your opportunity to write “fart” in primer on our elevator door!

The new space is at 87 3rd avenue, 4th floor. Corner of Bergen street.

Feb 242010

Thanks to everyone who came and built lanterns at tonight’s workshop – great work! Below the jump, a few pictures.

Lantern festival’s this Sunday, 3:30 til sunset, near Picnic House in Prospect Park, Brooklyn. Bring friends, kids, dogs, and lanterns (electric only – no fire allowed in the park). We’ll have snacks and hot cider… and lanterns. All the details are here.
Continue reading »

 Posted by at 1:48 am


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Feb 212010

The subfloor is complete and the floor boards have been installed, but plenty of work remains to be done with painting this coming week.

There are more images and a short video of the subfloor and wall-prep in process.

 Posted by at 10:24 pm

Thank You!!

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Feb 152010

Our Kickstarter campaign wrapped up this morning, and we’re blown away by the support we’ve received. All told we raised over $3,000 ($3,000.96 to be exact). Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Work is commencing on the space, with the first round of paint going up today. Contractors have been hard at work knocking out the bricked in windows to put in new ones, so for the time being it’s a bit chilly in the new space.

We’ll post more photos as we get things done, but here are a few Bre took last week:

Here’s the front room. The fisheye lens makes it look quite a bit bigger than it is, but it’s still a decently sized space! The ladder on the right goes up to a small storage loft, which is above what will become the new laser room. Incidentally, the laser is too large to fit through the door of said room, but that’s nothing a hammer can’t fix. Off the frame to the left is the bathroom and what will become the kitchen area.

NYCResistor 2.0

Next is the back room. This room needs quite a bit of work, as it turns out the superficial floor is pretty gnarly and sagging. We’re putting in a sort of false flooring to smooth things out. As a bonus, we can run Ethernet and audio cables through it so we won’t have to trip over things! There’s talk about a secret compartment for permanently installed DDR pads… Behind the camera is another loft, and at the end of the room you can see a small stage.

NYCResistor 2.0

Thanks again to everyone who contributed to our Kickstarter fund. If you opted to get a ‘reward’ we’ll be in touch shortly to get your address.


Lantern Festival!

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Feb 142010

Happy Year of the Tiger! We’re celebrating the first full moon of the new lunar year with a lantern festival! We’ll meet in Prospect Park on Sunday, February 28, to share our homemade lanterns. And to get ready, we’re holding a lantern-building workshop on Tuesday the 23rd, graciously hosted by Bug Labs!

up close and personal

lantern photo by jnthnhys

Lantern-Building Workshop
Tuesday, February 23, 6-9PM
$FREE, open to all ages
Please RSVP to [email protected]

Bug Labs Test Kitchen
598 Broadway, 4th floor

Build colorful, safe glowing lanterns with LEDs!

We’ll supply: construction materials and tools, bottomless box of light-emitting diodes, soldering help.
You bring: ideas, 9 volt batteries, colorful tissue papers or plastics, transparent jars/jugs/boxes, portable objects you’d like to decorate with lights, colorful blinky toys, etc.

Lantern Festival
Sunday, February 28, 3:30pm-sunset
$FREE, open to all ages
No RSVP necessary

Prospect Park, Brooklyn
Picnic area just north of Picnic House (enter at Prospect Park West and 5th Street)
[park map, google map]
The closest subways are 2/3 at Grand Army Plaza, and F at 7th Av.
If you have trouble finding us, call Ranjit at 646-270-2694.

Bring your handmade lanterns to show off, whether you made them at the workshop or at home! We’ll have hot cider and s’mores ; bring some snacks to share if you like. As it gets dark we’ll parade our lanterns north to Grand Army Plaza.

Please: NO FIRE! Don’t bring any lanterns that use candles, flames, or heat. Electric lamps, LEDs, flashlights, and glow sticks are all good ways to make fire-free lanterns.

 Posted by at 10:53 pm
Feb 142010

Video from our 48 Hour Hackathon featuring projects created during the event:
openFrameworks art, EL wire fashion, 3d printed bottle openers, LED email lights, massive LED matrix projects, and books hacked to hold digital collections of… books!

Feb 142010

Due to extreme hacking (we just placed an order for breakfast/dinner delivery) there is little to no chance any of us will be awake by 10am. We’ll open things up at noon. Pass the word on! We’d hate to have anyone waiting out in the cold for us.

Feb 132010

We’ve just gotten our new T-shirts, an they look awesome! Huge thanks to 1aeon for another set of fantastic designs!

This time around, we got both Men’s and Women’s shirts in a variety of sizes, but we’ve got a limited supply, so to get one of these shirts, you’ll need to find your way to the NYC Resistor space! Shirts are $20 each. With the move coming up and a limited supply, we unfortunately won’t be able to ship any out.

Train Drama

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Feb 132010

As usual, the MTA is being squirrely this weekend. The R, which usually stops right on our block, is skipping our station (and a host of others) this weekend. Thankfully the R is indeed stopping at Dekalb, which is only a few blocks away (one stop farther into Brooklyn).

The A/C and 2/3 are also being a bit wacky, although they’re at least stopping here. Check the MTA site for info on your route.