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Nov 052022

Generative Art with p5.js! (online)

Tickets to this Sunday Nov 20th noon class on EventBrite

To enjoy this class, you will need previous coding experience – the specific language isn’t important, just the major concepts. If this tutorial makes sense then you’re good to go, or you can sign up for our 11/13 Coding Crash Course: JavaScript class.

p5.js is a JavaScript library for creative coding, with a focus on making coding accessible and inclusive for artists, designers, educators, beginners, and anyone else. It is both simple to use and capable of handling complex ideas. You can see p5JS in action at

By using randomization and loops in our code we can create art that is unique and sometimes even surprising. We will cover not only the technical aspects of p5.js but also artistic tools for adding dimension and interest to sketches.

Based on the original Java-based Processing software, p5.js programs are portable and easy to run anywhere. You do not need any specific development environment and any computer with a web browser capable of running JavaScript will work.

This online class will be taught by NYC Resistor member Kelly. As with all NYC Resistor events, this class is 18+ and governed by our Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct, as well as accessibility information, can be found at

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