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Mar 282023

Homemade Robot Workshop

Get your tickets for this Saturday, April 15 · 12 – 2:30pm EDT on EventBrite

Come celebrate National Robotics Week by learning how to make your very first robot. This workshop is intended for people with little-to-no prior experience. Get a crash course in fundamentals of robotics while learning how to build a fun skitter robot from the book Homemade Robots.

On Scrubot:

Do not be fooled. Scrub Bot was not the simple sort of bot that materializes overnight when Randy zip tied a bunch of scrub brushes together. No! There was an ineffable cosmic plan that led up to this bot’s creation, going back well beyond the day when man, through genetic mutation, first evolved the ability to manufacture zip ties and scrub brushes. This bot is a bona fide cosmic child.

The instructor:

Randy Sarafan is the author of the books “Homemade Robots” and “62 Projects to Make with a Dead Computer.” He has worked for for well over a decade and has posted hundreds of tutorials online in a wide range of subjects.

N95 masks required for this workshop.


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