NYC Resistor has had a Code of Conduct for several years. Please read it! We believe that having a Code of Conduct helps us establish and nurture a safe, collaborative, and inclusive environment. The Code of Conduct applies to all participants in the NYC Resistor space: both members and visitors, in both the physical space and in digital channels such as our Slack channel or social media accounts. It applies to all NYC Resistor events, including private member meetings, Craft Nights, classes, and parties.
We’ve now established a Code of Conduct Committee. The goal of this committee is to ensure that the CoC is enforced, and provide a point-of-contact for anyone who needs to report a potential CoC issue.
What you can expect from us:
The Code of Conduct Committee can be reached at [email protected]. If you need to report an incident involving a member of the committee, you can alternatively email one of the committee members directly. See for a list of the current committee members. Committee membership, like all Resistor volunteer roles, rotates on a regular basis.
We will respond to any reports within seven days. Reports will be confidential and anonymous. Please note that if you email [email protected], the committee will see your email address; please make a throwaway email account if you feel it is necessary to do so.
If your issue is urgent, please include the word “URGENT” in your subject line. Keep in mind that the committee is staffed by an all-volunteer group. If you are at an ongoing event where an issue has occurred, please also consider reaching out to any NYC Resistor members present at the event.
For the full text of the Code of Conduct, please refer to or the signs posted in the space.
Thank you for helping us to keep Resistor a safe and welcoming space for all.
The CoCC
Adelle, Alison, Astrida, Bill, and Bonnie
[email protected]