We sort of took a break on classes in October, but we’re back in full force in November with a programming-oriented lineup. Here are the various classes we’re offering:
![Danger Shield v1.0](https://www.nycresistor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Danger-Shield-v1-0-300x225.jpg)
Arduino Programming 101: Hello World
Sunday, November 02, 2008
1 session, 2 hours
The Arduino is a simple yet powerful microcontroller board. More info here: arduino.cc
This is your friendly introductory class. We’ll cover what an Arduino is, how to program your arduino, what a variable is, what a function is, how to call a function, basic statements. Most importantly, we’ll cover where to get help if you need it. Once we get a handle on how everything works, we’ll go about writing a simple program to blink an LED when a button is pressed.
If there is time, we’ll keep adding features and doing cool things.
An Arduino and a Danger Shield will be provided for use, but please bring a laptop if possible.
Instructor: Zach Smith
Beginning PHP: Getting Started
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Instructor: Kelly Farrell
2 hours, 1 session
Learn the basics of PHP, one of the most popular languages for
creating dynamic web pages and web applications. In this class you’ll
learn what you need to get started with PHP. We’ll cover what you need
to pick a web host, how to work with PHP files, and some basic syntax.
This class is perfect for people with little or no web programming
experience. Please bring a laptop to work on. If you already know your
way around SFTP and have a favorite code editor, skip ahead to
Beginning PHP: Variables, Functions, & More
![Danger Shield v1.0](https://www.nycresistor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Danger-Shield-v1-0-300x225.jpg)
Arduino Programming 102: If Funky, Get Loopy
Sunday, November 09, 2008
1 Session, 2 Hour
Instructor: Zach Smith
Its recommended that you take the 101 class, but it is not required.
The Arduino is a simple yet powerful microcontroller board. More info here: arduino.cc
This class is focused on taking all the fundamentals of Arduino programming, and creating a useful program. We’ll dive into the wonderful world of if/then/else statements. We’ll traverse the ocean of loops and exit into a wonderful paradise of useful, functioning programs.
This class is based around the Arduino and the NYC Resistor Learner Shield, which is a fun device that has lots of cool, preset inputs/outputs for you to easily explore. We will be covering the basic functions of this device as well.
An Arduino and Danger Shield will be provided to each student, but please bring a laptop if possible.
Beginning PHP: Variables, Functions, & More
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Instructor: Kelly Farrell
2 Hours, 1 session
Learn the basics of PHP, one of the most popular languages for
creating dynamic web pages and web applications. We’ll cover
variables, functions, constants, handy tricks to make things easier,
and what you’ll need to get your first script up and running.
For this class you’ll need to be familiar with SFTP and basic HTML
concepts. If you’re starting from scratch consider taking Beginning
PHP: Getting Started. Please bring a laptop to work on.
![Danger Shield v1.0](https://www.nycresistor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Danger-Shield-v1-0-300x225.jpg)
Arduino Programming 103: Sensory Overload
Sunday, November 16, 2008
1 Session, 2 Hours
Instructor: Zach Hoeken
It is recommended that you take the 101 and 102 classes, but it is not required.
The Arduino is a simple yet powerful microcontroller board. More info here: arduino.cc
During this class, we will explore the many different ways of gathering information from the outside world. The NYC Resistor Learner shield has many interesting sensors including a light sensor, a temperature sensor, a knock sensor, and some sliders. We will be examining each of these sensors and showing you how to use them in your programs.
An Arduino and Danger Shield will be provided to each student, but please bring a laptop if possible.
It’s very likely we’ll add more classes very soon, so make sure you check our updated class list!