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Dec 272014

this is how you wrap gifts

As the new laser for NYC Resistor is being worked on, I am grabbing some photos of one of the last laser jobs done on the 7 year old Epilog Legend that we have gotten so much amazing use out of.

Inside of this wooden wonderment was 2 porterhouse steaks.

In 2014, we’ll be switching to the bigger, faster, more powerful Epilog Fusion model.

As I speak several resistors are hard at work reworking large parts of the space to accomodate the new beast… I am sure we’ll be seeing a blog post about that soon.

 Posted by at 6:10 pm
Dec 222014


The new, bigger badder ass Epilog laser will change the way we laser etch / cut / awesome at NYC Resistor.

We have a lot of work to do to get this guy up and running. We won’t be starting for a little bit on some of that work, so laser night tonight will still be on the old epilog. Sorry!

 Posted by at 2:45 pm
Dec 222014

makerbot station

My gift to NYC Resistor this year was some new shelving and reorganization of our 3d printing equipment. I’ll be doing some more work on this in the new year, but this will hold us over for now.


 Posted by at 2:43 pm
Dec 182014

stickers yo

Thanks to world class blink master Matt Mets we have stickers again, hand delivered from the far side of the world. If you are by our OPEN craft night tonight, or any Thursday really, pick a couple up and be swankier than you already are.

 Posted by at 3:59 pm
May 312014


Interactive Party – Homebrew Bar

So with the interactive party around the corner,  Travis Collins and I ( Matt Joyce ) have been working on the final touches for 3 homebrew beers that have been brewed at NYC Resistor.  I figured that I would take a moment to introduce you to each of them.

NYC Resistor is on the site of a former brewery that operated from 1850-1907, finishing it’s days as the Federal Brewing Co.  They used to brew German style bock beer to beer purity standards.    Things in the US have changed considerably since the hay day of Brooklyn’s brewing industry.  Among those changes is our complete departure not only from German style beers but from beer purity laws as well.  Much of what we drink in the US, isn’t even allowed to be called Beer in some parts of Europe.  We don’t care.  We left Europe and told those stick in the muds to shove off for a reason.  We love freedom, and exploration, and really wild new things.

So, for this party, I put together at least one new wild beer for your consumption, revulsion, or love.

Buy tickets here!

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 Posted by at 11:59 pm
Apr 172014

Above is a photo of the building that OpenStack ( nova at least ) was born in. That’s node number 6 on the internet, and the home of E root server. The dishes while no longer in use, used to provide internet to places like scandanavia. I also used to work there, as part of the Nebula Project.

Today the OpenStack foundation released their latest version of the software, code named Icehouse. Named for a street in Hong Kong ( where the last developers summit was held ). Many are just calling it Igloo because it’s easier. Anyways, to celebrate the new release of OpenStack, I’ll be trying to start up an OpenStack study group.

That will be on May 21st starting at 6:00 PM ( 18:00 ).


Read on for more detailed information…

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Dec 272013


NYC Resistor has been known to occasionally homebrew a beer or two. We have members interested in the topic, and friends in the wider brewing community of NYC. However, since I’ve returned from California, I’ve found myself more and more interested in beer brewing at Resistor. Luckily Travis, a fellow member is also deeply into the homebrew hobby. Together we’ve been spinning up a few different projects over here. There will be some great follow up posts on those other projects I am sure. Read on for more about brewing at NYC Resistor!

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