Interactive Party – Homebrew Bar
So with the interactive party around the corner, Travis Collins and I ( Matt Joyce ) have been working on the final touches for 3 homebrew beers that have been brewed at NYC Resistor. I figured that I would take a moment to introduce you to each of them.
NYC Resistor is on the site of a former brewery that operated from 1850-1907, finishing it’s days as the Federal Brewing Co. They used to brew German style bock beer to beer purity standards. Things in the US have changed considerably since the hay day of Brooklyn’s brewing industry. Among those changes is our complete departure not only from German style beers but from beer purity laws as well. Much of what we drink in the US, isn’t even allowed to be called Beer in some parts of Europe. We don’t care. We left Europe and told those stick in the muds to shove off for a reason. We love freedom, and exploration, and really wild new things.
So, for this party, I put together at least one new wild beer for your consumption, revulsion, or love.
Buy tickets here!
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