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Apr 082009

This video is of a panel attended by former L0pht members in Boston 2008. It’s a really fun talk. And it’s amazing but l0pht is now over 10 years old… also now owned wholesale by Symantec =/. I really miss the HNN, woulda been neat if in a parallel dimension they ended up beating out Slashdot.

But it’s an interesting panel by some of the first folks in the United States to run a successful hacker space in a time when such spaces were very few and far between. Plus every one of the L0pht members was every bit as interesting as the history of their space.

Check out for more info.

 Posted by at 2:58 am
Apr 072009

Noah Zerkin, is a regular at NYC Resistor events and craft nights. Also pretty well known in the local community for his DIY augmented reality work. In fact he gave a quick talk ( his first ever =P ) at IgniteNYC 3. He just posted this video ( saw it via twitter ). I am reposting it so people can get super excited by the work he is doing. It’s amazing stuff. And it can best be described as…. Nintendo eat your heart out.

Or for fans of the wizard… “It’s soooo baaaad…”

 Posted by at 2:00 pm
Mar 282009


So, both of my grandfathers were engineers in their own way. My grandfather on my father’s side (Ed Joyce) was a mechanic in the merchant marine during “the” war. My grandfather on my mother’s side (Ed Latimer.. what are the odds?) worked with the army air corps at one of their Radar Research Facilities in Arizona. He later worked as a foreman with Ma Bell for basically the rest of his life… One of his past times was curb collecting electronics and repairing them. Thanks to him every kid in my home had a black and white tube tv growing up… which was a little odd since color televisions were 20 years old at that point =P. Anyways when he passed he left some old electronics stuff that was passed off to me. A pretty awesome old tube tester, bunch of tubes, and various ancient components… but also some old service news magazines. Which had articles on how to service televisions and radios, and discussion of the technology of the time. Pretty amazing stuff. A window into a bygone era so to speak. All the documents are now public domain according to my research so enjoy!

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 Posted by at 3:51 pm
Mar 012009

So, there was discussion today around the tables at NYCResistor as people worked on their various projects regarding the ability to produce bots that “baited” people. Bre, remarked that designing a bot that sat around eliciting angry responses would be simple and very similar to simply capturing things I say and spraying them about.

This is when I was reminded of a project I wrote when I was in my first year of college. I was having some trouble showing up to classes, and I needed to ween myself off of IRC, so I basically wrote a bot that would take care of my IRC session for me while I was gone. It was like methadone for an IRC addiction. Sure I was still suffering withdrawal, but the channel was none the wiser and I suffered no ill effects from my repeated absences.

What’s really astounding is the simplicity of the code, and that it somehow lasted 3 weeks before someone realized it was a bot. Ultimately the zero delay responses are what got it caught.

Anyways here’s a blast from the past… one of my first perl scripts…

Full of early 2000 IRC goodness. Enjoy! Please don’t judge me.

 Posted by at 8:29 pm
Feb 232009

Lenny wrote to us about a project he’s completed and to thank us for helping him with some laser needs. I gotta say, I’m really impressed with what he’s built. It’s actually stunning. Check it out!

I don’t usually try to pimp our classes, but the laser class is absolutely one of the best things we’ve done. The amount of people stopping in and taking advantage of our laser to do insanely cool stuff is truly inspiring. I think I speak for everyone at resistor when I say, this is the reason we got the damned thing.

 Posted by at 4:07 am
Feb 202009

Our friends at Bug Labs will be hosting the next Make:NYC Meeting!

It’ll be on Thursday February 26th, 6:30PM at Bug Labs.

598 Broadway at Houston
4th floor
New York, NY 10012

6/B/D/F/V to Bleeker-Lafayette
R/W to Prince


 Posted by at 2:26 pm

Happy V-Day!

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Feb 142009


Sure it’s a shite holiday designed to take advantage of one of the deepest human emotions… but hey, it’s nice to let people know you love them. So here’s a daft punk gif. I love you internet. You’re awesome. Yes, even you 4chan.

 Posted by at 11:14 pm
Feb 092009


ShmooCon is an information security conference held in Washington DC, this past weekend. About 1300 people attended talks ranging from DIY UAV design to disk recovery methodology. It was an intensely fun time. HACDC the local DC hackerspace and close friends of NYCResistor hosted a pretty amazing party inside of a church down there. I remember grabbing rubens with Nick Farr and company at around 6 am the following morning, and thinking… goddamn I am glad I came. However, as of Friday around 1 pm I had still not left NYC. I was working and being a generally busy person. But I got a call from an unnamed person whom we will for the sake of time refer to as “Deep Throat”. Several hackerspace members had arrived at Shmoo to discover that this year’s badges were in fact made of acryllic.

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 Posted by at 1:05 am
Feb 012009

Little late, but better than never…

I am at the lab working on these trip hop fly 1/31 signs as we speak. And below is a video of Toronto Hacklab’s 1/31 project which is impressive to say the least. Remember that two years ago today the Boston police shut down a city over some LEDs. Let us never forget the power of exposed wires and LEDs and learn to exercise responsibility in our application of these menacing devices in our daily lives. And always provide our local SWAT team members with a welcoming and safe environment whenever they are called over to explode a half completed project.

Anyways, happy 1/31! Stay clear of Boston!

 Posted by at 12:18 am