MakeNYC held it’s 10th meeting at NYC Resistor last evening. Phil Torrone the editor of Make Magazine stopped by and dropped off some freebies. We held a timer challenge in which 4 teams worked tirelessly throughout the night to construct awesomely unique devices that would be able to be initiated on command, count to 10 seconds, then ring a bell. The results were awesome. The winning team won 4 bottles of club mate (courtesy of me). Much fun was had by all, and we are looking forward to an even more awesome event next time. Thanks to all who showed up, and the continual support we’ve received throughout the DIY and hacker communities. You guys are awesome.
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Toynbee Ideas!
Most of you are no doubt familiar with Toynbee ideas. And some of you are no doubt aware that their use in Kubrik’s 2001 are resurrecting the dead on planet Jupiter. But for the uninitiated, I figure an explanation of sort is in order. Long before there was the internet, or irc… there was a simple humble man. A man who knew too much some say. He knew of the sinister plot laid down in cinematic effigy, a necromancy of astronomical proportions. We do not know his name, or where it was he came upon this information, but society today is forever changed by his message. And the above image is just one of hundreds if not thousands of similar embedded messages in streets and sidewalks across the world.
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MP3 Gr3nade!
One cold day in november members of NYC Resistor received a nondescript box… There were no markings on the box that could identify any specific member at NYC Resistor to which it had been sent. They opened it to find what appeared to be 4 hand gr3nades.
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One Apple I love.

Will pictured.
I think of apple. I am reminded of the age of Woz, and how he literally ushered in the age of the PC with a near divine mastery of hardware design. Then I am reminded of Steve Jobs and how he ruined apple, stole from xerox, and ultimately produced a laptop that clearly resembled a neon toilet seat. And daily I am reminded of that tool, as I have to wade through a sea of ugly white and silver overly expensive Taiwanese crapple laptops on my way to pick up a Hot Cocoa and a rainbow cookie at the local Starbucks. But all that aside, I have a story to tell you all. It’s not a story of great design, miserable design, or anything you’d likely care about. It’s simply the story of my friend Will, and his little laptop that could.
Pumping Station One!
Nicolle from Pumping Station One, a hacker space initiative in Chicago visited NYC Resistor today. Pumping Station One does not have a home yet, but has begun organizing their paperwork for a 501c3 application. The project has been going since November, and seems to be off to a terrific start. We worked with Nicolle to laser cut the P.S. One logo. We wish these guys all the best. If you are interested in starting your own hackspace, checkout
Ancient Cray Memory
This is an image of actual Cray Super Computer Memory… each of those little rings, is one bit of visible read once memory. Man has electrical engineering come a long way since then… The opportunity to photograph this epic piece of electronic history was brought to me by my friend phar, who bought this on I think ebay. Just thought I’d share the history.
Blockparty a US Demoscene Event
Last year I made my nearly annual journey to Cleveland Ohio for one of my personal favorite conferences, Notacon. Notacon has never been a purely “tech” conference, but instead focuses on the areas where tech meets art and creativity. As a result it wasn’t long before someone attempted to bring back what is now a lost art for the most part in the United States… The demo scene. Block party is the demoscene event that occurs at Notacon. I was literally blown away by several of the entries last year. Of particular notority was Jeri Ellsworth’s Custom FPGA board. I am looking forward to going again this year, but I thought I’d post about it for everyone else’s benefit. You can read more about the events here:
When life hands you lemons…
fry an LED with them…
So a month or so ago I caught a solid minute of random moments at NYCR on a sunday evening…. THIS is a solid 7 minutes electronics are destroyed. Witty comments are made. And the random crazy things that result from idle hands are observed.
LED Array Card is LED.
So a month ago or so was my older brother’s wedding. I needed to get him a card, but I always felt that the canned card approach to events like weddings especially for direct family members was a bit… too impersonal. So I decided the night before the wedding to put together a card. That attempt failed… largely due to time constraints… Though I did actually pump out the entire 280 LED matrix that night as well as mount the controller chips.
I showed some pictures of the project to my brother on his wedding day and he’s been getting updates when I am in town with time and inclination to finish the card. Today I finally got around to completing the wiring of the card and took some video of a test pattern. Still some bugs left to work out…. but I like the results to date.
Using 2 MAX6952 LED array driver chips from Maxin, and a Boarduino to control the card. Got 500 or so 3mm LEDs from for the array. The back of the array was hand soldered using the LED leds and lead free solder. The faceplate was cut on our laser… and the DXF for it is available on thingaverse (OMFG DOX DROPPED).
Anyways I think DIY greeting cards should be a big part of the coming holiday season… especially with times as they are.
Anyways enjoy the LEDs.
Make:NYC Meeting 9
Make:NYC Meeting 9 happened yesterday at NYCR. I’m still compiling a more robust breakdown of the event, but I thought I’d toss out a sneak peak…
And as always… big thanks to all the resistors for putting up with us!