Learn the basics with Resistor member Raphael Abrams. We will create schematics, generate custom libraries and design a simple but complete physical layout, ready to order. May 8th, 6PM.
Sign up here!
Learn the basics with Resistor member Raphael Abrams. We will create schematics, generate custom libraries and design a simple but complete physical layout, ready to order. May 8th, 6PM.
Learn the basics with Resistor member Raphael Abrams. We will create schematics, generate custom libraries and design a simple but complete physical layout, ready to order. February 28, 10AM.
Our friends at the nonprofit woodworking studio SJSW are offering a class in woodworking. Students make a chair to take home. They’re great teachers; I learn something new every time I walk by!
Learn the basics with Resistor member Raphael Abrams. We will create schematics, generate custom libraries and design a simple but complete physical layout, ready to order. February 28, 10AM.
We are pleased to announce that Shelby Arnold, paper engineer and pop-up artist extraordinaire, will be joining us for Make-Along: Paper Edition. Be driven insane by the non-euclidean forces at work as Shelby Arnold demonstrates her ability to create a third dimension from a sheet of, what was until now, merely two dimensional paper. She bears the mystifying mark of the POP UP BOOK and she will share her bent, nay, folded visions with YOU.
But have no fear! Behind these folded spaces and twisted geometries of this hidden universe is a delightful workshop in paper crafting. Open your mind to origami, kirigami and book binding in a comfortable and fun setting, for only they will protect you from the horrors of plain old flat paper.
Saturday, February 23, 1 to 4pm, $10 (Includes materials, tools and treats)
Click here to reserve your seat.
Introducing Make-A-Long, a new monthly crafting event at NYCR. Make-A-Long is a self-guided craft workshop where participants learn new skills, explore new materials and make great things!
In this session we’ll explore the wonderful world of felting using carded wool (also known as wool roving). Using water or needles, wool roving can be manipulated to form a myriad of different shapes. Learning how to felt means you can make things like: felted soap, felted creatures, felted jewelry, felted ornaments and more!
Are you a beginner? Don’t worry! We’ll provide instructions and materials for a variety of projects. Facilitators will be available to help guide you through a project of your choice.
Are you a master? Bring a project, use our materials and hang out in a great space while doing what you love.
Sign up here: Make-A-Long: Felting With Wool Roving, December 15, 5-8pm
SMT is here to stay, so let’s all just get on with it and learn how to use these tiny things. You can make better, faster, cheaper, more durable, smaller and neater projects. Bonus: you will feel like a great big giant.
Resistor member Raphael Abrams will be teaching an introductory course this Sunday at 3PM. Come on down and get modern!
Just look at this accelerometer datalogger! It's got a 40Mips uC, a 4MB flash, RGB LED, RTCC, and a battery to last a week, all in about 1.5 inches. And it can be thrown against a wall without breaking. Half the parts on here are only available in SMT packages.
Me oh my, it sure is nice out. Better get inside and do some learning! Come on down to NYCR for CLASSES!
Intro to JavaScript on May 12: Dominate the web with one of the web’s dominant languages. Javascript!!!
Introduction to Electronics on May 26: Harness the endless power of the ELECTRON! Really, how can you resist this.
Paper Engineering on May 26: Go beyond simple popup designs and learn secret techniques from the professionals. Also, crazy fun.
The fabulously awesome Brewshop class is back this Sunday! We’ll teach you all the basics to get you up and running while brewing a batch of beer. You’ll learn about extract brewing, malts, grains, yeasts and how to avoid or troubleshoot the most common problems. All reference materials will be provided as well as a home brew sample for tasting! We’ll have starter kits available for purchase.
Beginners welcome!
Taught by Douglas and John.
Sign up for this class at EventBrite: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/1217909801
We’re doing another session of our Soft Circuits class! Learn to make functioning electronic circuits using conductive threads and fabrics. You will leave with samples of the materials we use in the class and a warm glow in your heart. Or in your pocket. Beginners welcome!