Raphael here! I’m the guy who’s always running around helping out at Craft Night. I love running open events, but Craft Night has gotten too big. So we’re going to split it in two neat pieces: Craft Night on Thursdays and Study Group on Wednesdays.
Thursdays are going to be more focused on crafting and things one does with their hands: sewing, knitting, soldering, drawing, painting, fashion hacking, lab-coat enhancements, etc. Bring a project or be prepared to help out on someone else’s! (Cookie donations welcome. Help yourself to the cookies.)
Now, about Study Group. Exciting! This is going to be an informal get together for anyone who wants to share or collaborate on developing skills and making things. It’s not a class, and there will not be an instructor, but there will be someone to guide the group. There will be a topic for a given night. Topics will include electronics, math, SCIENCE, security, programming, and more. The first one, Beginners Programming for Android, will be next Wednesday the 29th, from 6PM to 9PM. Then on May 6th there will be a Blender 3D study group.
So, in summary:
Craft Night RETURNS TONIGHT! More crafty than ever, still cookie donations only.
Study Group BEGINS next Wednesday, and is $5. Cookies included? Yes.
See you there!