Cut and Etch Your Own Designs with Our Laser Cutter is taking place at NYC Resistor on Sat, Jul 20. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
These classes fill up, reserve your spot now!
Cut and Etch Your Own Designs with Our Laser Cutter is taking place at NYC Resistor on Sat, Jul 20. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
These classes fill up, reserve your spot now!
NYC Resistor Artist-In-Residence Talk: Vanessa Rosa is taking place at NYC Resistor on Wed, Jul 17. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
Vanessa Rosa was an Artist-in-Residence at NYC Resistor from May to mid July 2019. She spent most of the time experimenting with drawing machines, but also continuing her research on worldwide patterns and the need for scientific recognition of indigenous knowledge systems. During the talk, Vanessa will present some of her new work, describe a bit of her process and most of all, she will try to explain a bit of the research that sustains her art practice.
Watercolour – An Experimentation is taking place at NYC Resistor on Sat, Jul 13. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
I’ve been doing watercolours since I was a little child. Creating great images is as much about technical understanding as it is about developing a way of seeing, a way of being. I usually do watercolours on the streets, or at events, with a sketch book and a portable kit. I do it because I deeply love to do it.
Designing Feminist Interfaces: Smart Assistant Skill Building is taking place at NYC Resistor on Sat, Jul 6. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
Technology is often described as ‘disruptive’, while it serves to perpetuate existing power structures. It’s not an accident, for instance, that our technologies that function effectively as “caregivers” or “secretaries” are designed to have female voices. What does it mean to imagine an alternative, feminist voice interface? Can we hack voice interfaces to be more feminist?
Intro to Arduino: Sensors and Input/Output is taking place at NYC Resistor on Sun, Jun 30. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
Want to get started with physical computing?
Cut and Etch Your Own Designs with Our Laser Cutter is taking place at NYC Resistor on Sun, Jun 23. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
These classes fill up, reserve your spot now!
Intro to Soldering Workshop: Make an LED Tile is taking place at NYC Resistor on Sat, Jun 22. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
Soldering is one of the most important skills you’ll need for working with electronics. Come join us for an introductory through-hole soldering workshop. Soldering enables you to create sturdy connections between electrical components.
Pickling! June Make-Along is taking place at NYC Resistor on Sun, Jun 16. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
This is not your typical craft class.
Father’s Day Leather Laptop Sleeve is taking place at NYC Resistor on Sun, Jun 9. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
Are you still stuck on what to get for your dad, this Father’s Day?
Basic Electronics is taking place at NYC Resistor on Sat, Jun 8. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
Get started with electronics! Zero experience required. Learn about motors, light bulbs, resistors, buttons, batteries, breadboards, LEDs, power supplies and more. This is a great way to get your projects electrified, whatever they are. Included in the cost of the class is a kit of parts to keep for further experimentation.