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Jun 232016

Want to learn how to sew? NYC Resistor member Becky Stern is leading a sewing class this Saturday!

sewing machine

Pick up those basic sewing skills you’ve always wanted in this total beginner class! We’ll thread needles, tie knots, sew buttons, and practice basic stitches used for clothing alteration and repair. You’ll walk away with a mix of hand and machine techniques you can use to patch ripped jeans, hem something that’s too-long, make your own curtains, and generally gain agency over your textile world.

Grab your ticket now, and we’ll see you on Saturday!

Jun 172016

We still have a bit of room left in our Kokedama Make-Along for this Sunday!

This is not your typical craft class.  Make-Along is a self-guided craft workshop where participants learn new skills, explore new materials and make great things!  In this session we’ll be exploring how to make lovely floating plant planets known as kokedamas, or moss balls, or awesome things you totally want to learn how to make.

Buy your ticket, and we’ll see you on Sunday!

Jun 102016

We still have a few tickets left for our Intro to Arduino class this Sunday. Who’s going to grab them?

Our Arduino intro is a 3-hour whirlwind tour, including hands-on lessons on how to use light sensors, blink LEDs, and make buzzers buzz! No prior hardware or electronics experience is required, though some basic programming experience (familiarity with for loops, variables, and functions) is helpful.


Jun 062016
Turn almost anything into a musical instrument with Teensy, an inexpensive Arduino-compatible microcontroller. The Teensy 3.2 has a bunch of touch sensors and analog and digital inputs, and it can plug into almost any music software through USB MIDI. Learn how to use it in our upcoming class on July 9th!

teensy instruments

In this class, we’ll stick touch pads on any objects to make them into keyboards, drum controllers, or trigger pads. No coding or soldering experience is needed, but you’ll have the opportunity to do either or both if you like. Bring an object you’d like to instrumentify! And hurry up and buy your ticket before we sell out.


instrument-a-day 7: Bottle Imp 1

May 262016

Been curious about electronics, but don’t know where to start? Want to learn to use programming to interact with real-world stuff? Our always-popular intro to Arduino class is running again on June 12th! You’ll learn how to blink LEDs, make a buzzer buzz, and use a light sensor.



No previous hardware or electronics experience necessary, though some basic programming knowledge is helpful. Get your tickets!

May 242016

OMG Blinkies!


It surprises literally nobody that we love blinky things at NYC Resistor. Maybe you want some blinky things of your own? NYC Resistor member Matt Metts is teaching his Blinky Umbrella Workshop on June 5th!

In the workshop, you’ll learn the simple soldering technique needed to assemble the electronics, and the craft techniques used to attach everything securely to the umbrella. And yes, you really can use it in the rain. Hurry up and get a ticket!

umbrella photos

May 232016

We just wrapped our last Make-Along on Sunday. Now we can get ready for our June Make-Along: Kokedama!

We’ll be exploring how to make the lovely floating plant planets known as kokedama, or moss balls. Make-Alongs are guided craft workshops where participants learn new skills, explore new materials, and make great things – beginners and experts alike are welcome!

The Kokedama Make-Along is on June 19th. Grab a ticket before they’re gone!

May 172016

On Sunday we’ll be exploring the wonderful world of terrariums.  Join us as we make tiny worlds with soil, succulents, moss, and figurines!


Make-Alongs are self-guided craft workshops where participants learn new skills, explore new materials and make great things. Whether you’re a beginner or a master, there’s something for everyone!

Tickets for this Sunday’s Terrariums Make-Along are available on Eventbrite now.