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Apr 182016

We’ve got two great classes coming up this weekend: our ever-popular laser-cutting class on Saturday, and PCB Design with EAGLE on Sunday.

Once you take our laser-cutting class, you can swing by on any public night to use our laser! Amaaaazing.

Large lace cube

…or take the EAGLE class, and learn how to design your own circuit schematics!


I mean, or you could take both. Check out the class listings on Eventbrite!

Mar 272016

Want to learn how to design your own circuit boards? Our EAGLE class is back!


Come take the PCB design class and we’ll teach you how to use the awesome, free EAGLE PCB design program.  You’ll learn how to draw schematics, find the right footprint, lay out a circuit board, route the circuit board, and finally prepare the board for production.  We’ll even show you where you can go to have your boards made for fairly cheap.

Class is Sunday, April 24, and tickets are available here. See you there!

Mar 092016

Want to learn to make iOS and Android apps with JavaScript? NYCR member Bonnie Eisenman will be leading a React Native intro workshop this Saturday. Tickets here!

lrg React.js_logo.svg

We’ll walk through how to use the popular React Native framework to write high-quality, cross-platform mobile applications with JavaScript. Topics covered include mobile components, styling, and application structure. Come join us on Saturday!

Feb 162016

Want to learn to conjure gold? Of course you do.

OK, while we can’t technically teach you alchemy, we can teach you how to wield the magic of electrochemistry! We have a DIY Gold Plating workshop coming up on Saturday, February 20th. Bring your own jewelry, learn some awesome stuff about electrochemistry, and leave with your gold-plated jewelry. You can even gold plate an entire Apple Watch!

Jewelry in this class means: small pendants, earrings, rings, anything that is metal and less than an inch and a half in diameter. Metals that work are stainless steel, copper, brass, nickel, and silver (but not aluminum). We won’t be gold plating chains.

This class is brought to you by Eric Knoll, creator of the Midas Touch kit. Check out the Kickstarter video to learn more.

Tickets are on sale now.

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Jan 192016

Pssh, Valentine’s Day. Obviously the worst holiday, except for the February 15th chocolate sales. Those are pretty cool.

Join us in grumpiness on February 7th for an Anti-V-Day class! Ever had the urge to create a voodoo doll of that one ex with glowing “ow I just got stabbed” eye action? This is your chance! Learn how to make a soft circuits doll that lights up when you stick a pin in it’s cold dead heart.

Tickets available via Eventbrite.

Jan 182016

TLDR; we have an awesome vector game design class coming up on Sunday, February 7th. Tickets available now! 


Do you identify as a woman and have an interest in making games that are playable across web-capable devices? If so, NYCR & Code Liberation invite you to attend our Vector Graphics Game Development workshop using Processing!

If you’ve ever played an original Asteroids arcade game and thought “wish we could still make games that looked like that” Now we can! Trammell Hudson from NYC Resistor has developed some hardware that will allow us to drive the vector monitors to play a whole series of emulator games. We thought it’d be super fun to create original content for these gorgeous retro-graphic displays and were so excited we did a talk about it at this year’s Chaos Communications Congress: 32C3

This class is a collaboration with Code Liberation and is open to attendees who identify as women. As always, we ask that attendees read & abide by our Code of Conduct.

Tickets available now!