Covert Covers is a bookswap that focuses on creating community and exploring a shared love of reading.
How the swap works:
People bring books they’d like to swap (between 1-6 usually). Everyone wraps their books so the titles and covers are not visible. You write a few bullet points about why someone would want to read the book. The bullet points can be as simple or specific as you want i.e. “British” or “queer sci fi about lesbian alien lovers.” You also write the name and the title on the back of the book (so that no one takes a book they’ve read before).
Once all of the books are wrapped, we lay them out and read the descriptions to scheme for books you’re interested in. Then we go in rounds picking a book. If you brought 1 book, you pick a book the first round. If you brought 5 books, you pick books the first 5 rounds.
When everyone’s got their books, we spend time chatting about what books we got / brought / have loved lately.
Who is the event for and what should you bring?
Anyone who reads books and wants to swap / hang /make friends! No experience required. Just bring a book (or a few). You can wrap your books ahead of time, but there will also be supplies provided.
A Note from Your Host:
I am an avid book lover and am in the process of writing my own book. My favorite genres are coming of age novels, dystopian and short story collections. I am a huge advocate for bookwormreads over GoodReads or Storygraph. I read 47 books last year and my goal for this year is 50.
This is a masks optional event.
As with all NYC Resistor events, this class is 18+ and governed by our Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct, as well as accessibility information, can be found at If you have any questions, please email [email protected]