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Thursday Night Craft Nights are re-opening to the vaccinated public!

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Jul 092021

[UPDATE 7/28: Masks are re-required for all participants all the time at Craft Night, pursuant to revised CDC guidelines. This is in addition to the proof of vaccine and RSVP requirements outlined in the original post below.]

NYCR is very excited to announce that we are opening our doors to the public again for Thursday Craft Nights, after more than a year of pandemic hiatus. The format remains the same: bring whatever you’re crafting, making or hacking on to Resistor from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM on Thursday nights to collab and socialize with like-minded creatives. And yes, the lazzzor is open for business for qualified users, just like the before-times!

Please note that due to the ongoing public health risk posed by covid-19, Eventbrite RSVP and proof of covid vaccination is required for entry, with absolutely no exceptions! Please bring your photo ID, along with one of:

  • [Preferred]: vaccine verification by successful scan in with the Excelsior Pass []
  • CDC card showing you completed your final vaccine dose at least two weeks ago.
  • A photo of your completely filled out CDC card.

Failure to RSVP and present one of these documents will get you turned away at the door. We miss you and are keen to see you, but keeping our whole community safe has to come first.

Also, please RSVP here: – tickets are free, but we just want to avoid too huge a crush of people as we ease out of pandemic-mode, so we’re opening up 10 public seats per night. See you all soon!


 Posted by at 1:52 pm

NYC Resistor at RC3 – Avatar Fashion Show on Wed, Dec 30

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Dec 192020

NYC Resistor at RC3 – Avatar Fashion Show is taking place at NYC Resistor on Wed, Dec 30. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.

Launching our virtual NYC Resistor Clubhouse and Hackerspace connector in conjunction with this year’s Chaos Computing Congress (CCC).


The documentation here contains a github link where you can get the base model. Updates not in the document: You should use Blender 2.91 and the latest Hubs exporter.

For examples of how to rig your own model, watch this handy tutorial.

Additional things to know:

  • The lattice component morphs the model into skirt formation (will happen when the modifiers are applied on export). If you want a non-skirt robot model just delete the lattice modifier.
  • Make sure your animations are not in edit mode when you go to export. Go the the animation tab in Blender and make sure the bars in the key frame area are not green. If they are, click into that area and hit tab. If the bars turn orange, you’re good to go. – Do not try to apply modifiers before exporting, instead check the Apply Modifiers box in the export settings when you export.
  • Make sure your Hubs components are in the right place: animation components (like idle_eyes) go on the avatar root, and morph keys (aka shape keys, used for, say, animating the mouth when talking) go on the mesh.


Get your tickets on Eventbrite.

Launching the virtual NYCResistor clubhouse

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Dec 172020

We are super excited to be launching our virtual NYCResistor space – NYC Resistor Clubhouse and Hackerspace connector – in conjunction with Chaos Computing Congress 2020 (CCC) this year known as RC3 – Remote Computing Experience. You can join in 2D on your desktop and mobile browser, or you can join in VR — all major headsets are supported. For best browser experience we recommend Firefox or Brave. (On chrome you will experience a very slow frame rate).  For VR, just go to the link in your browser and follow the instructions.

There are no need to get tickets, but we’ve created Eventbrite pages for each event so if you want a calendar link, sign up for a free ticket and it will sort out the timezones for you.

We are planning to have 3 events and also encourage you to submit art:

***Generative Art Gallery***
Place: Hackerspace connector
If you’re into generative art, we would love to show off your art. You’ll code it as an Aframe javascript component and we’ll include it in the room html code. There are some examples in this github and instructions in the readme. 

***Femme Hackers Meetup***
Times: Sunday 27th Dec, 8-10pm CET, 2-4pm EST, 11am-1pm PST
Place: NYCResistor Clubhouse main space
Tickets: Meetup

Inviting all femme identifying folks to join in an international meetup – come meet other femme identifying makers, hackers, crafters, activists from various walks of life. When you create your avatar name – also include which country / state you’re in.

***Hacker Dance Party***
Times: Sunday 27th, 10pm – late CET, 4pm EST, 1pm EST 
Place: NYCResistor Clubhouse backroom and rooftop
Tickets: Dance Party

Come join our line-up of DJs and dance against the backdrop of NYC. We will have LEDs and Club Mate!

***Avatar Fashion Show ***
Times: Wednesday 30th Dec, 11pm CET, 5pm EST, 2pm PST
Place: NYCResistor Clubhouse rooftop
Tickets: Fashion Show

Show off your best avatar at our avatar fashion show!! There are many ways to play, model your own avatar, rig one or reskin an existing avatar with your own textures. Our only restriction is that you keep polygon count below 5,000 and textures no larger than 1024×1024.

If you want to enter the fashion show, please drop us an email at [email protected] and show up to the fashion show 15 minutes before hand so we can create the line-up.


The documentation here contains a github link where you can get the base model. Updates not in the document: You should use Blender 2.91 and the latest Hubs exporter

For examples of how to rig your own model, watch this handy tutorial.

Additional things to know:

  • The lattice component morphs the model into skirt formation (will happen when the modifiers are applied on export). If you want a non-skirt robot model just delete the lattice modifier.
  • Make sure your animations are not in edit mode when you go to export. Go the the animation tab in Blender and make sure the bars in the key frame area are not green. If they are, click into that area and hit tab. If the bars turn orange, you’re good to go. – Do not try to apply modifiers before exporting, instead check the Apply Modifiers box in the export settings when you export.
  • Make sure your Hubs components are in the right place: animation components (like idle_eyes) go on the avatar root, and morph keys (aka shape keys, used for, say, animating the mouth when talking) go on the mesh.

If you want to be a friend of NYCResistor on withfriends, join us here!

While our doors are closed, help us keep the lights on

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Sep 142020
Photo of NYC Resistor's front door, featuring a steel sign with Resistor's logo.
Photo by Billie Grace Ward.

Like many community spaces, both in New York and across the world, NYC Resistor has suspended all in-person events until it’s safer for people to breathe the same air indoors. More than ever we feel the need to stay connected to our community, you! So we’ve started a Friends of Resistor program and Discord chat which you can join.

Our space is largely funded by a combination of member dues and event ticket sales, the latter of which has taken a steep dive since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve been adapting an increasing number of our classes to be available as online workshops where possible and we encourage you to check out our upcoming classes while we continue to adapt to an extremely-online near future.

In addition to enrolling in our online classes, we also offer some class discounts and access to our community Discord chat through our Friends of NYC Resistor membership*, which you can sign up for through Withfriends. Our Discord chat — the successor to the old NYC Resistor Microcontroller mailing list — allows makers from NYC and across the world to hang out online in lieu of our normal craft nights.

Friends of NYC Resistor levels start as low as $1 per month, with discounts for online classes available at higher enrollment levels.

Sign up today!

* Note: Friends of NYC Resistor Membership is its own program, and not to be confused with regular NYC Resistor membership.

Announcing the Annual NYCR Interactive Show 2020!

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Jul 212020

Some say that time is a circle, but we know the real truth, time is a Tube!

Announcing the 2020 Virtually Interactive Show: Tubular Time, happening August 15th 2020, in cyberspace. While we won’t be gathering in the space, we will still have real interactive art that you can view from home! We’re also having an open call for projects here: Physical installations that can be hosted at the space will be broadcasted online by members to all attendees of the show. Stay tuned for more posts on just how interactive part of the show works! In the meantime, this event is Free and open to the public, but you need a ticket to attend: