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2019 NYCResistor Interactive Show!

 Interactive Show, Interactive Show 2019  Comments Off on 2019 NYCResistor Interactive Show!
Mar 082019

We are happy to announce the date and theme of our annual Interactive show!

This year’s theme is SOLARPUNK. Just what is Solarpunk? It’s a genre, it’s a movement, it’s an imagining of a brighter, greener, future where both technology and society are more humane. Check out TVtropes and for a more detailed dive into what Solarpunk could mean.

Save The Date: FRIDAY APRIL 19th 2019  8PM-3AM

Get Tickets HERE.

Also, like all Interactive Shows, we have an open call for artists and technologists to submit projects to exhibit.  Submit a project using this form, this email [email protected] or join us on our public Slack for more details.  The deadline for submissions is April 9th.

Introduction to Electric Etching on Sat, Mar 16

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Mar 062019

Introduction to Electric Etching is taking place at NYC Resistor on Sat, Mar 16. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.

Electric Etching is the process of using electricity and an electrolyte to etch a pattern onto a metal surface. A non-conductive pattern is placed over the material to be etched. The metal to be worked on is then grounded. The live wire is then connected to the applicator. When the applicator is applied to metal surface, wherever is not masked will be etched. The advantage of using electricity to etch metal is that it is a very predictable process. If it is desirable to have a deep etch, a higher current or longer exposure time increases the prominence of the edge. This class will cover the basics of electric etching. It’ll be broken down into 3 parts. The first part will cover a demonstration of the etching process. Students will be able to practice on a scrap piece of metal. In the second part of the class, students will be making their own masks out of Vinyl. In the 3rd part of the class, students will etch metal plates that we will provide or items that they want etched. After etching, students will be polishing the surface to protect the etching. We DO NOT recommend etching sentimental items, items of great value or family heirlooms.

Get your tickets on Eventbrite.

Intro to Soldering Workshop: Make an LED Tile on Sun, Feb 17

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Feb 072019

Intro to Soldering Workshop: Make an LED Tile is taking place at NYC Resistor on Sun, Feb 17. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.

Soldering is one of the most important skills you’ll need for working with electronics. Come join us for an introductory through-hole soldering workshop. Soldering enables you to create sturdy connections between electrical components.

Get your tickets on Eventbrite.

Second Annual Yarn Swap on March 9th

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Jan 262019

We’ll be hosting our second annual Yarn Swap / Destash Party on March 9th.

Whether you’re a new knitter in need of yarn, or a yarn hoarder looking to swap unused skeins, all are welcome. Knitters, crocheters, spinners, dyers, if you do it with yarn we’d love to have you. Bring your stash to trade and share while enjoying good company and tea. We’ll pile all the yarn on the table and then it’s all free to a good home.

kitten with yarn, being derpy

This event is open to the public and free of charge.

March 9th
1pm – 4pm
NYC Resistor
87 3rd Ave. in Brooklyn

PS: got partial skeins or leftovers that you want to rewind? We’ve got a swift & ball winder for you to use, too.

Yarn winder

February 2nd: All-Day CryptoParty

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Jan 122019

Photo by the Whitney Museum of American Art.

CryptoParty returns to NYC Resistor on February 2nd, 2019 for a full day of learning about your digital defense in the age of mass surveillance from Fort Meade and Madison Ave. Stop by anytime between 3PM and 9PM and enjoy snacks and skills from a variety of online security practitioners and researchers. We’re hosting a full day mix of and hands-on-help with everything from vetting a good VPN to navigating Signal and more!

If you’ve never been to Resistor before, check our Participate page for more info, including the Code of Conduct. Hope to see you there! If you’ve never been to a CryptoParty before, please check out the CryptoParty Guiding Principles.

BONUS: If you happen to already use PGP, dust off that encryption key and come down for a key-signing ceremony to add some signatures to your public key. Gotta catch them all, etc etc. Time TBA.


Saturday, February 2nd, 2019 3:00PM – 9:00PM.


NYC Resistor (between Bergen and Dean)
87 3rd Ave. Floor 4 (use this OSM link if you’re Richard Stallman)
Brooklyn, NY 11217

Hackerspace Envy — A Visit to Revspace in The Hague

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Jan 122019

I just had my second visit to Revelation Space, a hackerspace in Den Haag, Netherlands, and this time — I took pictures. This place is seriously tidy and organized, and is full of slick automations. There’s so much inspiration I had to write it all down.

Revspace flipdot display

Continue reading »

 Posted by at 11:47 am