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January Make-Along: Crochet 101 Makin’ Monsters! on Sun, Jan 20

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Jan 102019

January Make-Along: Crochet 101 Makin’ Monsters! is taking place at NYC Resistor on Sun, Jan 20. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.

This is not your typical craft class. Make-Along is a self-guided craft workshop where participants learn new skills, explore new materials, and make great things!

Get your tickets on Eventbrite.

New Years Eve Craft Night 2018!

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Dec 312018

It’s that time of year again, so let us celebrate at craft night!

GIF of a brown bear playing guitar in the snow.

There will be snacks!

GIF of a brown bear stealing a can blue can of food from a job site and running away.

 Posted by at 2:27 pm

No Open Night on Christmas Eve

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Dec 202018

And all through the hackerspace, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

No Craft Night on 12/24.  Happy Holidays!

Faux Gingerbread Build-And-Smash on Sun, Dec 16

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Dec 062018

Faux Gingerbread Build-And-Smash is taking place at NYC Resistor on Sun, Dec 16. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.

This is not your typical craft class. Make-Along is a self-guided craft workshop where participants learn new skills, explore new materials, and make great things!December’s Topic: Faux Gingerbread Build-And-SmashHave you always wanted to build a ridiculous bit of confectionary architecture? Do you fantasize about reenacting a monster rampage through a cityscape? Come and we’ll provide supplies and tips for building a crazy faux gingerbread houses out of graham crackers, cookies, and candy. Once you’ve finished your masterpiece, you’ll have the option to take it home to show off (and nibble on), or else you can join in the cookie carnage… as we have a photoshoot of Godzilla smashing the freshly made cityscape.Are you a beginner? We’ll provide graham crackers, cookies, candy, icing, sandwich piping bags, and lots of inspiration!Are you a master? Show off your skills and inspire others! Bring a project, use our materials, and hang out in a great space while doing what you love.

Get your tickets on Eventbrite..

Intro to Soldering Workshop: Make an LED Tile on Sun, Dec 9

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Nov 292018

Intro to Soldering Workshop: Make an LED Tile is taking place at NYC Resistor on Sun, Dec 9. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.

Soldering is one of the most important skills you’ll need for working with electronics. Come join us for an introductory through-hole soldering workshop. Soldering enables you to create sturdy connections between electrical components.

Get your tickets on Eventbrite..

Laser Cutting: Holiday Edition! Learn to Make Ornaments and Decorations on Dec 02

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Nov 222018

Come join us for a class! Tickets are available on Eventbrite.

These classes fill up, reserve your spot now!

Harness the power of an Eplilog 60 Watt Laser! In this class you’ll learn everything you need to know to make the ideas in your head become a reality with a laser.  This class will be focused on making Holiday Ornaments, and will include our overall explanation of laser use.   We will have a number of holiday themed design cuts available.

In this three hour class, we’ll walk through all the steps from idea to pressing the “go” button on the laser. We’ll cover safety and basic design skills in Inkscape and you’ll learn how to do a burninate test to find out if a material is laserable. After the three hours, you’ll have made a least one ornament for the holidays (if there’s time maybe five or more).  (There is lab time for laser cutting, questions and answers, and working with Inkscape, Illustrator, Corel Draw, etc.)

Laser Cut Designs by Astrida Valigorsky

After learning the basics, each student will create their own design and cut it on the laser! A $10 lab fee is included in the ticket price and covers your time on the laser cutter to cut and etch. We have a variety of scrap material to experiment with or you can purchase laserable acrylic, Delrin, illustration board, leather, or wood. Midwest [] and Revell make a variety of plywood, bass and balsa that is perfect for laser cutting. The bed size of our laser is 20″ x 32″ so buy materials accordingly.


Laser Cut Designs by Astrida Valigorsky

Please bring a laptop and a USB jump drive. You may choose to upload and install Inkscape before you come to class to get familiar with the software and start on a vector design project. We use Inkscape because it saves .svg files natively and is open source. Inkscape is available at

This class is required for coming in to do work on the laser independently. If you get inspired, you can come back and laser your objects on our Monday or Thursday Craft Nights.

This class will be taught by NYC Resistor member Astrida Valigorsky. As with all NYC Resistor events, this class is 18+ and governed by our Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct, as well as accessibility information, can be found at

Please note that refunds must be requested 72 hours in advance. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

Get your tickets on Eventbrite.

No Craft Night Thursday!

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Nov 212018

We appreciate your dedication to braving the biting cold to work on some sweet, sweet projects, but in the interest of saving everyone a subway ride Resistor is NOT OPEN on Thursday.

“Taylor Swift” Would Like to Remind You to Vote Today

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Nov 062018

Although it didn’t make an appearance at our Halloween Party, The Red and Blue Tour made its debut further north in Manhattan last month. There, it serenaded the visitors of a haunted art house’s bathroom with red and blue light, offered politicized candy and played a mixtape which began with some pontifications on the impact of Taylor Swift’s recent Instagram post increasing voter registration in Tennessee, followed by a curated playlist of her best hits.

The installation, built into a refurbished voting booth, was set up with a laptop running Ubuntu and Firefox as a kiosk which allowed partygoers to register to vote on the spot* using TurboVote, a website you can still use to register to vote—it’s never too early for 2020! If you’re already registered to vote in New York City but would like to figure out where your poll site is though, check out the NYC Board of Elections’s Poll Site Locator.


* Until we lost our Wi-Fi connection anyway.