We appreciate your dedication to braving the biting cold to work on some sweet, sweet projects, but in the interest of saving everyone a subway ride Resistor is NOT OPEN on Thursday.
“Taylor Swift” Would Like to Remind You to Vote Today
Although it didn’t make an appearance at our Halloween Party, The Red and Blue Tour made its debut further north in Manhattan last month. There, it serenaded the visitors of a haunted art house’s bathroom with red and blue light, offered politicized candy and played a mixtape which began with some pontifications on the impact of Taylor Swift’s recent Instagram post increasing voter registration in Tennessee, followed by a curated playlist of her best hits.
The installation, built into a refurbished voting booth, was set up with a laptop running Ubuntu and Firefox as a kiosk which allowed partygoers to register to vote on the spot* using TurboVote, a website you can still use to register to vote—it’s never too early for 2020! If you’re already registered to vote in New York City but would like to figure out where your poll site is though, check out the NYC Board of Elections’s Poll Site Locator.
* Until we lost our Wi-Fi connection anyway.
Wool Felting: October Make-Along! on Sun, Nov 11
Wool Felting: October Make-Along! is taking place at NYC Resistor on Sun, Nov 11. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
November Make-Along: Wool Felting on Sun, Nov 11
November Make-Along: Wool Felting is taking place at NYC Resistor on Sun, Nov 11. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
Laser Cutting: Cut and Etch Your Own Designs with Our Laser Cutter on Sat, Nov 10
Laser Cutting: Cut and Etch Your Own Designs with Our Laser Cutter is taking place at NYC Resistor on Sat, Nov 10. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
These classes fill up, reserve your spot now!
Pseudonymous Identities with TAILS on Sun, Nov 4
Pseudonymous Identities with TAILS is taking place at NYC Resistor on Sun, Nov 4. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
In this talk we’ll cover an introduction to using TAILS, an operating system that will let you keep a secret online identity in a USB drive. Aside from its worst-case-scenario-protection security design, TAILS routes all internet traffic through TOR, a global anonymity network, which allows anyone to use the internet without correlating what you do on the internet to your daytime identity. We’ll be setting up TAILS USB drives, encrypted/persistent storage, and running through the steps needed to set up a subpoena-ready “rogue” Twitter account as well as some of the general operational security practices around that.
Intro to Internet of Things: Build a Subway Countdown Clock on Sat, Nov 3
Intro to Internet of Things: Build a Subway Countdown Clock is taking place at NYC Resistor on Sat, Nov 3. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
Join us at NYC Resistor to build a personalized subway countdown clock. This class will introduce the basics of Arduino, electronics, and other important concepts you’ll need to join in on the Internet of Things (IoT). We’ll use a WiFI connected Arduino microcontroller to pull down real time subway data and display it to a LCD/LED character display. Never be late for a subway again**!
Gowanus Open Studios 2018 on Sun, Oct 21
NYC Resistor is proud to be participating in Gowanus Open Studios 2018! Visit us Sunday, Oct 21st, 12-6pm
NYC Resistor will be one of 300+ neighborhood artists opening their doors for free to show their works and creative spaces. We will be presenting several projects made by some of our imaginative members. Come see a diverse range of projects, including lamps, textiles, wearables, general crafts and new media.
Gowanus Open Studios will also be a good opportunity to visit NYC Resistor to learn about our space and how to explore your own creativity! Members will be on hand to talk about the classes, activities and resources we offer regularly throughout the year.
We will only be open on Sunday, October 21st. NYC Resistor will be closed on Saturday, October 20th for a private class.
Intro to 3D Printing and 3D Design on Sat, Oct 20
Intro to 3D Printing and 3D Design is taking place at NYC Resistor on Sat, Oct 20. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
A class for 3D newcomers who want to learn the basics of creating 3D models and printing them. Your instructor will take you through key concepts of 3D printing, demo the technology on our printers, and lead the class through the design process of creating a model and preparing it to print. We’ll talk about creating functional objects, creative objects, available materials, print reliability, and compare various printer models and features.
Halloween Party 2018 on Saturday, Oct 27
Join NYC Resistor and friends for a spooky-special night of music, costumes, and laser light. We would love it if you’d join the Halloween party! Costumes encouraged, 21+, tickets $8 in advance, $10 at the door.