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SOLD OUT!!! Shibari 101: Knot Just Another Class! – 10/14/2023

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Oct 022023

Shibari 101: Knot Just Another Class!

SOLD OUT!!! Tickets on EventBrite for this Saturday, October 14 · 6 – 8pm class

Dive into the ancient art of Shibari, a mesmerizing blend of aesthetics and connection, with our hands-on introductory workshop. Whether you’re captivated by the intricate patterns or seeking a new form of expressive connection, our expert-guided session is perfect for you!

? What to Expect:

  • A journey through the journey of a practicing Shibari artist and inspiration
  • Safety-first: Master essential precautions for a comfortable experience.
  • Hands-on tutorials: Learn foundational knots and craft your first pair of simple handcuffs.
  • Engaging Q&A: Unravel any curiosities with our seasoned instructor.

Join us for a night of delicate artistry, intimate connection, and exciting learning. Suitable for solo adventurers or duos, and no prior experience is necessary. Just bring an open mind and a flair for fun!

Instructor Bio:

Mina is a passionate shibari practitioner and leatherworker based in NYC. Immersing herself in the intricate art of Shibari, she has transformed traditional techniques into expressive, contemporary forms. Mina believes in the power of shibari to foster deep connections, both with oneself and others.

This is a masks optional event

Digital Divination: Reimagine relationships to machines through mysticism – 10/14/2023

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Oct 012023

Tickets on EventBrite for this Saturday, October 14 · 12 – 3pm EDT workshop

How do we challenge how Western and capitalist hegemonies shape technology to serve systems of oppression and extraction? Drawing from mystical practices of the global majority, we will speculate ways of building harmonious relationships between machines, humans and non-humans. This workshop considers both ancient and historical precedents as well as contemporary artists to illustrate ways technological artifacts carry sacred value, particularly in non-western and post-colonial contexts, and furthermore, how rituals themselves can be seen as forms of computation in their ability to transmit information and create and/or maintain networks. Taking this discussion as an entry point, participants will design their own oracles, thinking critically about intention, interpretation, and interaction. We will be using simple generative text models (Markov Chains) to develop browser-based (p5.js) scrying tools. Participants may work in pairs or individually. Participants are required to bring a laptop or optionally share if they are working in pairs. We recommend bringing something for note-taking. No prior programming knowledge or experience required. Openness to playing with code is encouraged.

The Digital Divination project began as a course that ran in 2019 at Parsons School for Design. Since then, we have continued to gather research and materials at Digital Divination — and to expand the curriculum into different knowledge shares and collaborations.

Aarati Akkapeddi is an artist, designer, coder, and educator based in part of Lenapehoking known as Flatbush, Brooklyn. In their art practice, they use code, video, printmaking, and other techniques to challenge commonly held assumptions by weaving together perspective-shifting connections. They currently work as a designer and developer at The Experimental Humanities Collaborative Network. For those looking to establish a business or artistic endeavor, company registration is a crucial step in ensuring your work is legally recognized and structured for success.

Erica Kermani is a transdisciplinary artist dedicated to movement building and collective liberation through art and media, technological sovereignty, and Iranian, Jewish, and queer mysticism. Her artwork utilizes scholarship, memory and archive to produce video, installation, and speculative fiction that interrogate and unsettle dominant narratives, towards healing of self, community, and Earth. She is a founder and worker-owner at Shadow Work Media and an educator and technologist at Community Tech New York.

This is a masks optional workshop.

Tickets are sliding scale:

$25 – low-income, BIPOC

$50 – General

$75 – Pay it forward (if you have financial means to pay more and support our future work)

This workshop does require 6 participants to run, so we will let you know 24 hours in advance if it is cancelled due to low enrollment.


Stitch This: Basics of Hand Embroidery – 10/13/2023

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Sep 302023

Stitch This: Basics of Hand Embroidery

Tickets on Eventbrite for this Friday, October 13 · 7 – 9pm EDT class.

Stitch This: Basics of Hand Embroidery is an interactive, beginner-friendly workshop where participants will learn three basic hand embroidery stitches: the split stitch, satin stitch, and lazy daisy stitch. This will be a hybrid workshop with ten in-person spots and five virtual spots.

A simple shape (flower, triangle, circle) will be drawn onto the fabric, pre-loaded onto an embroidery hoop (online participants will receive instructions on how to do this at home prior to class). Participants will learn how to outline the shape with the split stitch, fill it with the satin stitch, and decorate it with the lazy daisy. With these three simple stitches, the world of hand embroidery is yours! You will be amazed at how many embroidery projects are possible with the tools you’ll learn.

*Note: In-person participants will be provided with supplies and virtual participants will be provided with a list of supplies to get before the class.

This is a masks required class. Minimum KN94 or KN95 with extras on hand if needed.

Instructor Bio:

Anna Zagerson is an occupational therapist, creative writing graduate student, and lifelong crafter. Her interests include collage making, embroidery, beadwork, pyrography, thrifting, writing speculative fiction, Soviet culture, accessibility advocacy, and animal rescue. When she isn’t dreaming of becoming the neighborhood herb witch, she’s binging 90s shows with her rescue cat, Wolfie.

Cat Tax:


Some more advanced embroidery by the instructor:

Artificial General Intelligence: A Work Group 10/11/2023

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Sep 292023

Artificial General Intelligence:  A Work Group

Pay-what-you-wish tickets for this Wednesday, October 11 · 7 – 10pm EDT workgroup are on EventBrite.

this is an artificial general intelligence work group. the reason the term agi has been chosen over, say, machine learning, or artificial intelligence, or generative ai is because those terms have become more to do with the industrial use cases of certain human capacities rather than to do with the exploration of how information and knowledge are navigated by minds. the topics of machine learning and neural networks are still crucial. in fact, the purpose of this group as far as there is one is to take the increasingly impressive technical results coming out of those fields and contextualize them within social, aesthetic, psychological, economic, etc, paradigms we find ourselves within.

if you have found yourself drawn to the ideas that are expressed in books like /godel escher bach/, /the machinic unconscious/, /the lathe of heaven/, /the dispossessed/, /metaphors we live by/, /the c programming language/, and/or the nsa/ncsc rainbow series, show up. if you find yourself in awe of 256 byte demos, neural annealing, the edges of perception, or/and langsec, come by.

bring a piece of text you find interesting, bring a song, bring some code, bring some funny little puzzles, bring questions and maybe someone else will have brought an answer. this intends to be a collective conversation and action.

The host space:

In the tradition of NYC Resistor’s early Microcontroller Study Group, we are happy to provide our hacker space for meeting to explore emerging technology.

Who is the group for?

this group is for anyone interested in both deep diving on the newest technical advances and the wildest implications of those new technical developments. come with a willingness to share your perspective and your work in whatever form of expression it might take. if you use machine learning in your art, come. if you work on ASIC accelerators come. if you are obsessed with experience itself, come. if you care about people and their relationship to each other and the tools they use, show up!

The suggested donation of $15-20 will both be put towards drinks (Club Mate), and support the space.

This is a masks optional event.

Design for 3D printing and more! (on free, cloud based software) 10/8/2023

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Sep 262023

Design for 3D printing and more! (on free, cloud based software)

Tickets on EventBrite for this Sunday, October 8 · 1 – 4pm EDT class

In this class you will learn how to use Onshape, a free, intuitive, cloud based design software.

Onshape designs are great for:

3D printing

laser cutting


Metal casting

blueprints for projects

DIY projects, art, jewelry, furniture, robots, whatever!

Onshape is NOT great for:

Animation / video game design (Learn something like Blender for that)


  • Bring your laptop!
  • Create a free account at

The class will start with a one hour overview of the basic features of Onshape. You will follow along with me while we all create something together. The best way to learn is trial by fire so the last two hours of class you will create your own design. The class size is kept small so everyone can receive personalized instruction if they get stuck. You can design whatever you want so come to class with some ideas!

Your Instructor, Caleb Young:

I worked as a mechanical engineer out of college designing machine parts using software similar to Onshape. A few years ago I switched into software engineering and now build things as a hobby. I’ve built furniture, jewelry, 3D printers, laser cut maps, and converted a camper van! Onshape helped me with all of this so I’m excited to share my knowledge with fellow artists and builders!

This class is masks optional.

School’s In Session Open Mic: Fall Semester 10/7/2023

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Sep 252023

School’s In Session Open Mic: Fall Semester

Tickets for this Saturday, October 7 · 7 – 10pm EDT open mic are available on EventBrite

Pay-what-you-wish (Admission only) or $20 with complimentary drinks

Come hang at a uniquely attentive and supportive open mic, where we joyful share a stage with first time performers, professionals, and everyone in-between. Come sing, dance, recite, act, play in any form and be heard and appreciated.

Sign-up will be first-come first-serve. Each performance will be 6 minutes. Inquire about featured slots. Slots reservation can be gifted for consistent attendance.

Your host:

Winston has been hosting mics around the city for 3 years, performing poetry and curating spaces for artists at any level to share and hone their art forms. He is proud of the friends who have been brought up, but is extra encouraging to brand new performers, trying to find an audience or share for the first time.

Event is open to all people, bring your full self, celebratory clothing, and a friend! (no robots unless they are performing)

This is a masks optional event.

DIY Music Effects Workshop – Build a Stompbox with the Daisy Seed! 10/7/2023

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Sep 252023

DIY Music Effects Workshop - Build a Stompbox with the Daisy Seed!

Tickets for this Saturday, October 7 · 1 – 4pm EDT workshop are on EventBrite

Musical effects are for everybody! Join this workshop and get hands-on experience assembling and programming your very own stomp box using the Daisy Seed, a microcontroller specifically designed for music applications. By the end of the workshop, we will understand how code is used to modulate audio input in your custom stomp box.

We will begin by understanding how various effects function and then assemble a custom PCB and enclosure for your very own stomp box. After assembly and testing, we will learn how to program the boards with custom effects using Visual Studio code. The remaining time will be for participants to tinker, ask questions, or participate in an improvised jam session with their newly assembled stomp boxes.

Who should participate:

Musicians who want a custom, reprogrammable, and low-cost effects pedal, those curious about effects pedals, and people who want to explore experimental music making but don’t yet know how or are deterred by the cost of equipment.

Participants will be soldering and assembling the boards. We are happy to teach you how to solder and give support for assembly as needed. All instruction and build materials will be provided and included with the price of the workshop. We will also assist with reprogramming the pedal as needed. We will do everything we can to make this a great experience for all who participate.

What to bring:

Please set up your software environment ahead of time using the instructions here so we can focus our time together on assembly and programming. If you are interested in participating in the jam session, please bring a speaker or amp to plug your new device into. If you have an instrument you want to bring that has a standard ¼” jack, bring it! If you don’t we will have some contact mics available for you to borrow. We will have a limited supply of ¼” cables, so if you could bring some that would be a huge help.

Your instructors:

Becky Button and Jason Garwood are a transdisciplinary creative team with backgrounds in Electrical Engineering, Architecture, and Human-Computer Interaction. Heavily influenced by the experimental electronic music scene, they work in improvised music and tech-driven experiential visuals. After studying together at Carnegie Mellon, they are sharing their love for performance and community by destigmatizing music tech. Follow them on Twitter: @einsteinunicorn and @jasontgarwood 🙂

*Participants will be asked for their feedback to help improve the kit through a survey.

This class is masks optional

Making Music with Code – 9/30/2023

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Sep 252023

Making Music with Code

Tickets for this Saturday, September 30 · 12 – 3pm EDT workshop are on EventBrite

A three hour workshop exploring how to create music with code, using a web-based tool called Strudel. Preview of the workflow: Creating a song from scratch with Strudel, a browser version of TidalCycles.

Your instructors:

Dan Gorelick is a musician, creative technologist, and organizer who is based in the Bay Area and has a presence in Brooklyn and Berlin. He creates live audiovisual performances, blending his classical cello experience with the practice of live-coding: creating music with code. He is a co-founder of the Bay Area live audio-visual collective AV Club as well as Club Code, a non-location-specific collection of artists focusing on live-coding performance. He is also an organizer and member of the LivecodeNYC and TopLap Berlin collectives. His workshops explore live-coding as well as the creative possibilities when using technology to create music.

Viola He (sandpills) is a Shanghai-born, Brooklyn-based artist, educator, and cultural organizer. Their creative practices engage with DIY electronics, programming, movements, and time-based media. Using algorithmic approaches to enhance, alternate, and obfuscate sounds and images, they work to explore pathways towards alternative structures, systems and interfaces. Viola often dreams about clowning, computational humor, and infiltrating digital spaces with physical bodies as tools for intervention.

This is a masks optional, but recommended, event.

The Scrapyard Challenge: Classic Arcade Controller Redesign – 8/27/2023

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Aug 232023

The Scrapyard Challenge: Classic Arcade Controller Redesign

Tickets on EventBrite for this Sunday, August 27 · 1 – 3pm EDT workshop

Join an interactive, arcade controller design workshop where participants will build novel controllers for classic arcade games!

The Scrapyard Challenge: Classic Arcade Controller Redesign Workshop is an interactive, arcade controller design workshop where participants will build novel controllers for classic arcade games such as Street Fighter, Ms.PacMan, Pacman, Donkey Kong, Crash Bandicoot, Super Mario Bros, Mario Kart, Centipede, and more. Participants are split into groups and can choose a classic video game and design a novel controller (the crazier the better!) to control all aspects of the game such as 1, 2, 3 player controls, action buttons including jump, kick, punch, shoot, magic and controller directions such as up, down right, left. The goal is to make each game as interactive as possible with full-body control systems built from scrap materials and junk. The workshop uses USB encoder boards and RaspberryPi computers running RetroPie for game emulation.

No electronics skills are necessary to join, all skill levels welcome!

NOTE: For this workshop participants are encouraged to bring “junk” to the workshop to hack on. This can include: Misc gadgets – basically any old kids toys that have moving parts are good – like a kids mini garage set or a plastic radio or plastic doll house, etc.. on the gadget side – things like electric can openers, fans, old record players, RC cars, etc…

Scrapyard Challenge Workshops:

The Organizers:

Jonah Brucker-Cohen is an award winning researcher, artist, and writer. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies at Lehman College / CUNY in the Bronx. He is a New INC. mentor, was a New York Hall of Science Designer in Residence, and a visiting artist at Cornell Tech. He received his Ph.D. in the Disruptive Design Team of the Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department of Trinity College Dublin. His work focuses on the theme of “Deconstructing Networks” and includes over 100 creative projects that critically challenge and subvert accepted perceptions of network interaction and experience. His artwork has been exhibited at venues such as SFMOMA, Canadian Museum of Contemporary Art, MOMA, ICA London, Whitney Museum of American Art, Palais du Tokyo, Tate Modern, Ars Electronica, Transmediale, and more. His projects, “Bumplist” and “America’s Got No Talent” are both included in the permanent collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art. His writing has appeared in publications such as WIRED, Make, Gizmodo, Neural and more. His hardware hacking Scrapyard Challenge workshops have been held in over 15 countries in Europe, South America, North America, Asia, and Australia since 2003. Twitter: @coinop29

Katherine Moriwaki is Associate Professor of Media Design in the School of Art, Media and Technology at Parsons School of Design. She teaches primarily in the MFA and BFA Design + Technology Program. Katherine is an artist, maker, and interactive designer. Her work has been exhibited and presented internationally in conferences, festivals, and museums around the world. Katherine is a founder of the “Scrapyard Challenge” a workshop in which participants create electronic interactive objects out of found materials and junk. She is co-author of “Fashion and Technology: a Guide to Materials and Applications” published by Fairchild/Bloomsbury. Twitter: @kakirine

“GETTING UP” learn and make street art – 8/25/2023

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Aug 222023

"GETTING UP" learn and make street art

Tickets on Evenbrite for this Friday, August 25 · 6 – 9pm EDT workshop

Join this workshop to learn about a variety of urban art forms and work on your own art with help from our guide. We’ll go over a broad range of artistic expression and social commentary that people chose to display in public, and get into all you need to know to join them in a responsible way. We will discuss ethics, safety, and focus on a few specific types — going through production techniques for stickers, posters, and stencils.

Expect to get hands on with tools and materials to develop a sense for a few of the virtually limited options this form of art encompasses, then use them for your own project. We’ll have a variety of markers and surfaces for practice (and some to keep!), and participants can bring their own supplies and computers if they want.

Participants will work on their own project. Bring an idea that you want to start with or develop further. All are welcome to continue their work at any of our open craft nights. Anyone who wants to work together may do so. If you arrive without a concept, you will work on art to promote personal privacy. Any message and form of expression is valid and welcome except anything promoting hate. We’ll have a small group for this event to make sure that everyone can get help to bring their idea to life.

This workshop is masks required.

2 pay-what-you-can tickets available for folks experiencing financial hardship.