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July 4th Craft Night 2019

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Jul 032019

It might be a holiday, but we are open for the 4th of July at our usual time.

Man in black shirt and large glasses, sits centre frame with a cone of aluminium foil on the table in front of him. He lights a fuse at the top of the cone with a match in his right hand. It explodes in a bright flash and puff of smoke filling the screen briefly. The smoke clears to reveal the man having been blown back, his face covered in soot.

Sadly, there will not be any pyrotechnics, but come by for some good old fashioned craft night fun.

What should I do at craft night if I don’t have a project

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Jan 182018

Thingsgiving and Widget

We asked Bonnie and Widget what to do at craft night if you don’t have a project.  Here’s their list…

You could do things that have nothing to do with projecting: sit on your own surfing the internet or playing farm games (Hi Mikael!), sit and talk to people, grab a book from the library, ask people about their projects, offer to help with projects, or offer to help clean (which is a great way to make us love you).

More traditional projects: you could spelunk in thingsgiving (our pool of electronics supplies and mysterious arcane objects, aka a treasure hunt) and see what you could make. You could learn to solder.  You could knit, or learn to knit (we have yarns and needles on hand), you could grab scraps of fabric and play around with a sewing machine.  You could paint your nails: we have lasercut nail art blocks, some of which are very geeky (ed: I love the one with circuits).  Or you could video DJ on our projector.

You could draw – we love artists. Or try out the 3D printers (or help get one of them working again).  Mill your own PCBs on the othermill.  Or you could bring things that you want to fix, and fix them.

Craft nights are Mondays and Thursdays – check out our Participate page.


Sep 242015

Craft Night at NYC Resistor

NYC Resistor holds regular open houses every Thursday evening and if you’re in town for Makerfaire this week, drop by NYC Resistor for Craft Night!  We’ll be busy putting the finishing touches on Semaphore Hero, and hosting other out-of-town makers and hackers.  Doors open at 6:30pm and run until 9:30pm!

Nov 252013

In a show of solidarity with our oppressed Meleagris gallopavo brethren, there will be no craft night this Thursday, November 28th. We recommend gathering together with friends and loved ones and sharing a hearty seasonal meal of kale and pine nuts instead. See you all next week!