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We’ve got ham!

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Jun 152010

IMG 0947

Inspired by the upcoming 2010 ARRL Field Day event, we finally got off our duffs and set up a real amateur radio station at the resistor clubhouse. We now have a 60 foot long dipole on the roof, an antenna tuner, a couple of transcievers (one 100W and one QRP), a CW key, and a TNC for using digital modes with a laptop. With a few hours of operating under our belt, our logbook shows contacts with stations in the US, Canada, Europe, and South America, using phone (voice), CW (morse code), and PSK31 (digital).

The best part of our station is how little QRM (man-made noise) our antenna picks up. When we first put the station on the air, I thought something wasn’t hooked up right. Being in the middle of a densely-populated area, I expected to hear horrendous noise from power lines, AC motors, etc., but heard almost none. This makes tuning the bands a real pleasure.

Our club callsign is N2YCR. If you hear us calling CQ, give us a call back. We’d love to talk to you!

  8 Responses to “We’ve got ham!”

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  1. What's a good time and freq to catch you?

    • Good question. I imagine that the most consistently active period would be Tuesday nights, 7-10pm local time (currently 2300-0200 UTC). Frequencies will depend on propagation and the mode preference of the op. I personally like doing QRP CW, so I usually hang out around 14.060, 10.106, and 7.030 MHz. A couple of other members are more into PSK and RTTY, and I imagine you would find them in the usual hangouts for those modes on 20, 30, and 40m.

  2. Very nice station. Dipoles are pretty effective at not picking up common mode noise, end-fed antennas are more susceptible to it. Using an end-fed wire here on Onondaga Hill, south of Syracuse, I get tons of noise from my own house. If I take the rig portable 30 feet away from the house–no noise.

    If you're willing to QRS, maybe we can setup a sked for 40m CW.

    73 and congrats on the station

  3. Thanks a landlord it! I acquired yet some insight. Life is so colorful, we should be able to live in, such as Korea and honor the planet. Human life is like rivers, slowly flowing, flowing rivers, flowing through the snow, flows through the prairie and ultimately into the sea, return to the embrace of nature, start a new reincarnation. Allow us to feel the meaning of life will come only to those you have those memories

  4. Thanks a landlord it! I acquired yet some insight. Life is so colorful, we should be able to live in, such as Korea and honor the planet. Human life is like rivers, slowly flowing, flowing rivers, flowing through the snow, flows through the prairie and ultimately into the sea, return to the embrace of nature, start a new reincarnation. Allow us to feel the meaning of life will come only to those you have those memories

  5. test

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